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Filtered by: Truthout

Sultana Discusses the UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) with BBC Newshour, CBC Radio, NY Times

"One of the challenges that's coming out of the COP is a focus on language rather than actual politics," says Farhana Sultana, professor of geography and the environment. "So we can talk about abated/unabated [fossil fuels], whether there's possibilities for different forms of use, which source it's coming from. But I think what we really need to focus on is the overall production."

December 13, 2023

Sultana quoted in Truthout article on students' travel during pandemic

It’s a common practice for people throughout the world to observe holidays far from their loved ones, says Farhana Sultana, associate professor of geography and the environment, suggesting that observing Thanksgiving and Christmas in the United States should be no different. She points out that the largest pilgrimage in the world, the Hajj, was canceled earlier this year. "This pandemic needs to be reined in, so both individual choices matter alongside formal policy advice and institutional mechanisms that promote pandemic response," she says. Read more in the Truthout article, "Hundreds of Thousands of Students Traveled Home This Week Amid COVID Spike." 
December 1, 2020

See related: COVID-19, United States

Jackson op-ed on protectionism, white femininity published in Truthout

"White women have to disabuse themselves en masse of the notion that they are inherently good. They have to put themselves in harm’s way, disrupt the status quo of their own complicity in white supremacy and defer to those who are more vulnerable than themselves," writes Jenn Jackson, assistant professor of political science.

November 18, 2020

Jackson discusses forced sterilizations, criminalization via Truthout

"The United States’s commitment to eugenics, medical abuse and forced sterilizations depicts the complex nature of perceived criminality in this country," writes Jenn Jackson, assistant professor of political science. "By marking certain people’s bodies as inherently...anti-patriotic, the state casts a veil over the grave human rights infringements and institutional abuses it enacts against nonwhite, non-wealthy, non-male, non-normative people."

September 17, 2020

Montez study on life expectancy, state policies featured in Huffington Post

“Across a huge range of issues, the more liberal version of state policies predicts longer life expectancy and the conservative version predicts shorter life expectancy.”
August 26, 2020

Jackson discusses Kamala Harris as vice presidential pick in Teen Vogue, Truthout

"Despite the historic nature of her career and vice presidential nomination, we can’t lose our capacity to remain critical of her record and uncertain about how her potential vice presidency might affect marginalized communities," writes Jenn Jackson, assistant professor of political science.

August 17, 2020

Bennett discusses prejudice during NYC's cholera outbreaks in Truthout

According to David Bennett, professor emeritus of history, immigrants "drew hostility because of their poverty; the diseases they brought with them after the perilous ocean voyage; [and] the slum housing they were forced to live in."

May 26, 2020

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