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Purser looks at teaching thrift in job readiness programs in new study

Oct 26, 2020

Both sides of the Paycheck: Recommending Thrift to the Poor in Job Readiness Programs

Brian Hennigan & Gretchen Purser

Critical Sociology, October 2020

Gretchen Purser

Gretchen Purser

"Both sides of the Paycheck: Recommending Thrift to the Poor in Job Readiness Programs," co-authored by Gretchen Purser, associate professor of sociology, and Brian Hennigan, Ph.D. student in geography, was published in Critical Sociology. The article documents how job readiness programs—as anchors of the devolved organizational landscape of neoliberal poverty governance in the United States—endeavor to instill within the poor not simply the virtue of work, but the virtue of thrift, and thus orient them to "both sides of the paycheck." Using a comparative ethnographic study of two community-based, government-funded nonprofit job readiness programs, Purser and Hennigan show that this pedagogic focus on budgeting is central to the overall goal of conditioning clients to embrace and endure a degraded labor market. 10/26/20