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Rothenberg paper on intergroup contact, integration published in American Economic Review

Nov 1, 2019

Unity in Diversity? How Intergroup Contact Can Foster Nation Building

Samuel Bazzi, Arya Gaduh, Alexander D. Rothenberg & Maisy Wong

American Economic Review, November 2019

Alexander Rothenberg

Alexander Rothenberg

"Unity in Diversity? How Intergroup Contact Can Foster Nation Building," co-authored by Alexander Rothenberg, assistant professor of economics, was published in American Economic Review. The authors used a population resettlement program in Indonesia to identify long-run effects of intergroup contact on national integration and found greater integration in fractionalized communities with many small groups, as measured by national language use at home, intermarriage, and children's name choices. However, in polarized communities with a few large groups, ethnic attachment increases and integration declines. 11/01/19