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“Oltre La Norma!” Collaborating for the Reconstruction of Teatro Petruzzelli in Bari

Ornella Larenza, Alex Turrini & Greta Nasi (Bocconi University)

June 2013


This case deals with the the reconstruction of the Petruzzelli Theatre in Bari, Italy, which was destroyed by arson on October 27, 1991. The day after the fire, various people in the public and private sectors, representing profit and nonprofit organizations, at the local and national level, took part in the public debate on what should be the next steps for funding the rebuilding of the theater. The case focuses on possible methods for funding the rebuilding. It helps students explore the methods used for the construction of collaborative processes or governance and to discuss the skills of the manager in the public sector who will manage the network of people involved.

400 Eggers Hall