Purser featured in Syracuse.com article on CNY job market
INSCT awarded grant to study law & policy of unmanned aerial systems
The INSCT project—Law and Policy of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles—was awarded $68,248. The project will develop a policy and legal framework that supports the use of various types of unmanned aerial systems throughout the state, while ensuring public safety, protecting civil liberties and promoting industrial growth.
Age of Secession: The International and Domestic Determinants of State Birth
Louis Kriesberg: Pioneer in Peace and Constructive Conflict Resolution Studies
The Logic of Compromise in Mexico: How the Countryside Was Key to the Emergence of Authoritarianism
Sultana co-edits book on global food and water security
The essays, edited by Farhana Sultana, associate professor of geography, highlight the links between bio-physical and socio-cultural processes, making connections between local and global scales, and focusing on the everyday practices of eating and drinking, essential for human survival.
Clearing the Error health care project wins 2016 IAP2 research award
The project, titled "Clearing the Error," is led by Tina Nabatchi, associate professor of public administration and international affairs at the Maxwell School. Its overarching goal, Nabatchi says, is to use deliberative approaches to develop informed, practical, and patient-focused recommendations for reducing diagnostic errors.
Citizens of an Empty Nation: Youth and State-making in Postwar Bosnia and Herzegovina
Jerusalem: Conflict and Cooperation in a Contested City
See related: Middle East & North Africa
Democracy and Conflict Resolution: The Dilemmas of Israel’s Peacemaking
Using the contested theory of "democratic peace" as a foundational framework, the contributors explore the effects of a variety of internal influences on Israeli government practices related to Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking: electoral systems; political parties; identity; leadership; and social movements.
See related: Government, Middle East & North Africa
Minería, Agua y Justicia Social en los Andes: Experiencias Comparativas de Perú y Bolivia
Nashville in the New Millennium: Immigrant Settlement, Urban Transformation, and Social Belonging
See related: United States
Lifeblood: Oil, Freedom, and the Forces of Capital
See related: Economic Policy, Government, United States
The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Cultural Geography
Community Engagement for Improving Livelihood of Youth in Ghana’s Cocoa Sector
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Conflict Management Center Workshop- Salary Negotiation
204 Maxwell Hall
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The Conflict Management Center is proud to announce the last training opportunity of the 2016-2017 academic year: Salary Negotiation Workshop.
The workshop will take place on Wednesday, April 26, 2017 in 204 Maxwell, from 5:15 to 7:30pm.
Workshop is free and open to the public but REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Please fill out the registration form or you can also send us an email cmc@maxwell.syr.edu indicating your name, department/program, and dietary restrictions.
Workshop description:
Women Don’t Ask by Babcock and Laschever was one
of the first of many books pointing out that the reluctance of women to
negotiate for higher salaries is an important factor in the professional wage
gap. This workshop is open to all but relevantly biased for women preparing to
enter the professional job market. The workshop will provide exercises in
determining salary requirements, tips on salary negotiation, and skills
Professor Catherine
Gerard, PARCC Director, will be leading the workshop.
Dinner will be provided!
Open to
Contact to request accommodations