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Where Interdisciplinary Scholarship Produces Innovative Solutions

Social Science PhD Program

North side of Maxwell Hall exterior

our alumni hold a broad range of academic, research and leadership roles


we offer the only interdisciplinary social science Ph.D. program in the country


determine the mix of disciplines appropriate for your unique research interests

One degree, many paths

The Ph.D. in social science prepares students to undertake a broad range of careers including college and university research and teaching, non-academic research, consulting, public service, organizational administration, and institutional leadership.


Olga Boichak headshot

Olga Boichak

Associate, Centre for International Security Studies; Lecturer in Digital Cultures, University of Sydney

Diane Lyden Murphy

Associate Professor of Social Work; Former Dean, Syracuse University Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics
Headshot Teaching

Gearoid Millar

Head of Department and Senior Lecturer, Sociology, University of Aberdeen

Deborah Alexander

Career diplomat with the U.S. Department of State, retiring as a senior policy advisor

Priti Ramamurthy

Professor, Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies, University of Washington


Nicholas Armstrong

Head of Public Sector, Even Health

Innovative scholarship, diverse viewpoints

Donna Shalala

I am Maxwell.

I took urban anthropology and urban geography and urban sociology. I studied with some extraordinary people, and the degree that I got gave me such a broad, interesting education. Whether I was jumping into solving the New York City fiscal crisis or sitting over at HHS trying to figure out how we were going to straighten out a very complex Medicare system, all of that came out of very good training.”

Donna Shalala M.A., PH.D. (SOCIAL SCIENCE)

Former: U.S. Representative (FL-27); president and CEO Clinton Foundation; president, University of Miami; U.S. Secretary, HHS

Read our story “Freshman Rep From Florida”

Social Science Ph.D. Program
413 Maxwell Hall