Transnational NGOs hosts: Career development in global networks and NGOs: advice from a leader
341 Eggers Hall
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Join us for an informal conversation about career development with Ingrid Srinath, Secretary General of CIVICUS. CIVICUS is an influential global membership based network of civil society organizations at local, national, regional and international levels. CIVICUS is dedicated to strengthening civil society throughout the world. Prior to joining CIVICUS, Ingrid served as Chief Executive of India’s leading child rights advocacy organisation, Child Rights and You (CRY). Ms. Srinath also was a Senior Fellow of the Synergos Institute, a US based network for non-profit leaders and global philanthropists. Prior to that, she worked in the private sector, chiefly in marketing and advertising. We are honored to welcome Ingrid Srinath as the Fall 2009 Moynihan NGO Fellow. Ms. Srinath will be resident at the Moynihan Transnational NGO Initiative from October 8-21 to undertake research and reflect on her organization’s challenges and opportunities. Co-Sponsored by the Transnational NGO Initiative at the Moynihan Institute, Maxwell’s Career and Alumni Services, and the Student Group on Transnational NGOs.
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