Cinelatte Film Series presents: O Ano em Que Meus Pais Sairam de Ferias
Kittredge Auditorium (HBC)
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O Ano em Que Meus Pais Saíram de Férias (The Year My Parents Went on Vacation) 2006, Directed by Cao Hamburger The year is 1970, the place is São Paulo during the World Cup Soccer Games, and we meet the young Mauro (Michel Joelsas) as he is swept away from his home by his frantic parents to live in São Paulo with his grandfather: his parents tell him they are going on 'vacation' while in reality they are escaping the dictatorial 'disappearances' that challenged the Brazil of the time. The grandfather lives in the Jewish ghetto and Mauro soon discovers that his would be host has just died. He meets the adjoining neighbor, grumpy old Shlomo (Germano Haiut), who begrudgingly takes Mauro in and allows him to pursue his obsession with soccer. The story winds through the disparities of Jewish life and the governmental changes that are disrupting the flow of this important year for Brazil (there are many film clips of the famous player Pelé which add to the tenor of the story), and as Mauro makes friends with a little girl Hanna (Daniela Piepszyk) the two children are confronted with the realities of political strife and the glories of Brazil's World Cup. (synopsis written by Grady Harp) In Portuguese, Yiddish and Hebrew, with English subtitles. Please join us for a good movie and a cup of coffee! Everybody is welcome!
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