South Asia Center presents: Presentation by H.O.P.E.
341 Eggers Hall
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"Volunteer & Intern Opportunities in Nepal and Palestine: Information Session with Humanitarian Opportunities for Peace & Education (H.O.P.E.)" Jeremy Wildeman Executive Director of H.O.P.E. Beau Miller Project Manager of H.O.P.E. Learn about the challenges children face in Nepal and the Palestinian Territories, and how you can be part of the solution. Join us for this special presentation on H.O.P.E. (Humanitarian Opportunities for Peace and Education), an international network dedicated to education and healthcare in the West Bank and Nepal. Project Hope and VEC are non-profit volunteer organizations whose goals are to provide participatory, educational spaces for Nepalese and Palestinian youth and children. Committed to the principles of international humanitarian law and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, our aim is support children denied access to basic services by providing educational and recreational activities, medical and humanitarian relief and practical training that can empower them with hope and skills for the future., For more information, contact Beau Miller at
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