East Asia presents: Charles W. Freeman III
341 Eggers Hall
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2010 in Sino-US Relations: Taiwan, Tehran, Tibet & Trade-- A Rocky Road Ahead? Unlike all of his predecessors over the last 30 years, President Obama came into office with almost no political baggage with respect to China. Indeed, many people in his Administration and out hailed his presidency as the opportunity for a new stage in Sino-U.S. relations; an essential partnership in which both sides could jointly address the big global issues of the day. However, one year into the Obama presidency, and after disappointing engagements with China on climate change, international affairs and trade, many in Beijing and Washington are wondering whether the new stage of Sino-U.S. relations is one of friction rather than partnership. These issues certainly offer some difficult challenges for both countries. Charles Freeman of CSIS will address those issues. Lunch will be served.
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