MES Film Series presents: Waltz with Bashir
060 Eggers Hall
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Waltz with Bashir (2008) Directed by Ari Folman, 90 minutes Memories, dreams, and nightmares collide in this evocative animated feature by Ari Folman. The Israeli director uses beautifully crafted, hand drawn animation, together with a powerful rock and classical soundtrack to create a captivating docu-drama, tracing the horrors and ethics of war from a young soldier’s viewpoint. This viewpoint is that of the director Ari himself, seeking clarity about his teenage military service during the Israeli Army mission in the Lebanon War of the early eighties, a period which he had blocked from his memory. As Folman’s memory begins to emerge in a series of surreal images, he begins to uncover a truth about himself that will haunt him for the rest of his days.
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