TNGO presents: Innovative Fund Development for TNGOs
341 Eggers Hall
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Strategies for Financial Sustainability in NGOs, Transnational and Local:Perspectives from PRADAN (India) & the Mohawk Valley Resource Center for Refugees (USA) Sustainability is increasingly a hot-button term in the NGO sector, both transnationally and locally.. More than ever, financial sustainability has become a central issue for many NGOs in light of the global financial crisis and related limitations on traditional revenue sources for NGOs. The TNGO Initiative and TNGO Student Group will host a workshop to highlight some innovative approaches towards self-sustaining financing mechanisms, practiced by PRADAN in India and the Mohawk Valley Resource Center for Refugees in Upstate New York. Attendees may want to share their experience with NGO financial sustainability strategies as well. Shouvik Mitra, Humphrey Fellow in the EMPA program, will present his perspective on financial sustainability from his experience as a Team Leader for PRADAN, an Indian NGO focusing on rural development. Peter Vogelaar, Executive Director of the Mohawk Valley Resource Center for Refugees, will discuss the financial sustainability strategies of MVRCR.
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