Film screening: God Grew Tired of Us
341 Eggers Hall
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Please join us for the first of two movies about the Lost Boys of Sudan! God Grew Tired of Us, Directed by Christopher Quinn, 90 minutes In the late 1980s, 27,000 Sudanese "lost boys"–some just toddlers–marched barefoot over thousands of miles of barren desert, seeking safe haven from the brutal civil war raging in their homeland. Half died from bombing raids and starvation; the others reside together in Kenya's Kakuna refugee camp, with few prospects. The U.S. invited some of the boys to settle in America, including Syracuse’s own John Dau. Moving and mind-expanding, Christopher Quinn's God Grew Tired of Us follows three unforgettable young men–John, Daniel, and Panther–on their unbelievable odyssey in a strange New World. The second film in the series, Rebuilding Hope, will be shown on April 28th.
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