EA Presents: Xin Xu
341 Eggers Hall
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This talk will look at recent tensions in East Asian security politics – China’s increased assertiveness and its interaction with other major regional players (particularly the United States) in areas from Yellow Sea, to South China Sea, to East China Sea. By analyzing Chinese discourse and practice in lieu of American debate about China policy, the talk will try to shed light on new security challenges in East Asia against the backdrop of China rising and U.S.-China strategic interaction. Dr. Xu’s research and teaching focus on Chinese foreign policy and East Asian international relations. His current areas of interest include China’s grand strategy, the Taiwan issue, East Asian security politics, and Asian regionalism/multilateralism. He is currently working on a book manuscript entitled The Power of Identity: China and East Asian Security Politics in the Post-Cold War Era. Dr. Xu received a BA and MA in International Relations from Peking University and a Ph.D. in Government from Cornell University.
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