MES Film Series presents Tea on the Axis of Evil
060 Eggers Hall
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“Tea on the Axis of Evil" (2009) Written and Directed by Jean Marie Offenbacher, 67 minutes What is it like to live in an "evil" country, as described by the Bush Administration in 2002? For three years Director J. M. Offenbacher worked to reverse American stereotypes of Syrians during the making of this documentary, winner of the Noor Award for "Outstanding Documentary" at the Arab Film Festival, 2009. "When Syria was admitted to the 'Axis of Evil', I decided to move there, alone, to record ordinary life and create a document to stimulate healthy curiosity about this Arab community to counter the vilification that dominated the media and White House rhetoric." ReOrient films is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to creating films that question American stereotypes of "Eastern" cultures. Followed by a Q & A session with Director Jean Marie Offenbacher
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