PLACA presents: Alan Knight
032 Eggers Hall
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The ‘Cosmic Revolution’: The Mexican Revolution (1910-2010) in Comparative Global Perspective This year, the Mexican Revolution turns one hundred. Among the many possible perspectives on this major event, one is outward-looking, global and comparative. This lecture, involving a breakdown of the main sociopolitical components of the Mexican Revolution (1910-40), evaluates it in light of other major world revolutions, arguing (against some revisionist theses) that it belongs in this rare category (it is, in other words, a ‘real’ ‘social’ revolution); and that, without being a simple carbon-copy, it bears comparison with discernible elements of contrasting revolutions - including ‘bourgeois’ revolutions, like the French; ‘socialist’ revolutions like the Russian, Chinese and Cuban; and ‘nationalist’ revolutions (all of the above, and more).
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