TNGO presents: Career Discussion with Derick Brinkerhoff, Research Triangle International
341 Eggers Hall
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Career Discussion with Derick Brinkerhoff, Research Triangle International (RT) Brinkerhoff, EdD, is a Distinguished Fellow at RTI in international public management and has more than 25 years of experience with public management issues in developing and transitioning countries, focusing on policy analysis, program implementation and evaluation, participation, institutional development, democratic governance, and management change. He has received multiple awards and honors for his published research in social science and policy studies and for his contributions to the theory and practice of international development and comparative public administration. Dr. Brinkerhoff is North American editor of the UK-based journal, Public Administration and Development. He also holds an associate faculty appointment at George Washington University’s Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration. Mr. Brinkerhoff’s career reflects an interesting mix of scholarly and applied work, which may appeal to many students. He also co-authored the book Working for Change: Making a Career in International Public Service (Kumarian, 2005) with his wife, Jennifer Brinkerhoff, and thus can also share his knowledge resulting from research for this book. Come armed with your career focused questions! Refreshments will be served.
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