TNGO presents: Ignacio Saiz
100 Eggers Hall
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Bridging human rights and development: the growing movement for economic and social rights This talk will cover the work of transnational organizations on economic and social rights, mapping the field, and teasing out convergences and divergences between human rights and development practice. Ignacio Saiz is Executive Director of the Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR), an international non-governmental organization based in Madrid and New York working at the intersections of human rights and development. Prior to this, he was director of policy at the international secretariat of Amnesty International, where his responsibilities included overseeing the development of Amnesty's research, campaigning and advocacy on economic, social and cultural rights. Previous roles at Amnesty International have included deputy director of the Americas Program, policy coordinator and Central America researcher. He has also worked as a freelance human rights consultant for several other organizations in areas relating to sexuality and human rights, the prevention of torture and post-conflict accountability. Ignacio holds an LLM in international human rights law with distinction from the University of Essex. We are honored to welcome Ignacio Saiz as the Spring 2011 Moynihan TNGO Fellow. Mr. Saiz will be resident at the Moynihan Transnational NGO Initiative March 1-11 to undertake research and reflect on his organization’s challenges and opportunities. Lunch will be provided
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