Faculty Workshop: Building the NSF Grant Proposal
220 Eggers Hall
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The Dean’s Offices of the Maxwell School and the iSchool are pleased to present the following interdisciplinary development opportunity for Maxwell and iSchool faculty. This workshop, led by Robert Porter, Director of Research Development at the University of Tennessee, is targeted to those faculty interested in applying for funding from the National Science Foundation for the first time, or those wishing to brush up on their grant writing techniques. This workshop will focus on critical aspects of interacting with NSF as well as proven techniques for effective writing in each section of the NSF grant proposal. Topics will include: An overview of NSF Mission, Structure and Budget; Characteristics of Successful Proposals; the NSF Merit Review Process; Critical Steps in Planning and Writing Your Proposal; Formulating Precise Goals and Objectives; Using Visual Illustrations; Building in Quality Education and Diversity Components. For questions and to register, please contact Christina Leigh Deitz (cldeitz@maxwell.syr.edu). Sponsored by: Maxwell Dean's Office, iSchool Dean's Office, Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP), Center for Environmental Policy and Administration (CEPA), Campbell Public Affairs Institute, Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration (PARCC), Center for Policy Research (CPR), Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs.
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