South Asia Center Presents: Speaker Tejaswini Ganti
341 Eggers Hall
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South Asia Center Presents: Speaker Tejaswini Ganti "Producing Bollywood: The Hindi Film Industry in an Age of Neoliberalism" This talk provides a preview of the main themes of my forthcoming book, Producing Bollywood which examines the transformations of the Hindi film industry starting in the mid-1990s that have enabled it to become “Bollywood.” These transformations have been enabled by the neoliberal restructuring of the Indian state and economy, which resulted in a dramatically altered media landscape marked first by the entry of satellite television and then by the emergence of the multiplex theater. The talk focuses on the changing status of the “universal hit” within the Hindi film industry, locating it within the changing structures of production, distribution, and exhibition characterizing Hindi filmmaking since 2000. Tejaswini Ganti, assistant Professor of Anthropology, New York University
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