PLACA Presents: Speaker Charo Mina Rojas
341 Eggers Hall
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PLACA Presents: Speaker Charo Mina Rojas Charo Mina Rojas The Afro-Colombian Struggle for Land, Rights and Recognition Charo Mina Rojas is a human rights activist, the National Coordinator of Advocacy and Outreach for the Black Communities’ Process (Proceso de Comunidades Negras- PCN), and member of the Afro-Colombia Solidarity Network, based in the United States. In 1995, she worked in the Ministry of Education as inter-institutional advisor for the implementation of a regional project to improve education standards, and introduce ethno-education in schools where the Afro-Colombian population was dominant. Mrs. Mina Rojas also worked for many years educating and assisting grassroots Afro-descendant communities on the process of implementing the Law 70 of 1993, that recognizes cultural, territorial and political rights, and define mechanisms for economic and cultural development of these communities in Colombia.
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