Lourie Memorial Lecture: Dr. Macaran Baird
Sheraton Syracuse University Hotel
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Macaran A. Baird, M.D., M.S., is professor and head of the Department of
Family Medicine and Community Health Medicine at the University of
Minnesota and the Board of Director's chair for UCare Minnesota, the
fourth-largest Minnesota HMO. His work focuses on the integration of
behavioral medicine into primary care, population-based health, as well
as family therapy and improving the care of patients with chronic
illness. He is currently an active participant in the Minnesota
Department of Human Services Children's Psychiatric Consultation
Protocols Workgroup, which will become a phone-based clinical resource
for physicians prescribing atypical antipsychotic and ADHD medications
for children. Baird also led the multidisciplinary team developing the
Minnesota Complexity Assessment Method, which is currently being tested
in collaboration with a variety of practices in Minnesota. In addition
to being a physician, Baird is a family therapist.
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