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MAXCNY Lunch and Lecture Series 2011

Syracuse University Warehouse

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MAXCNY Lunch and Lecture Series 2011 “Translating Education Policy to True Reform: Where are We Falling Short?” Called upon to “innovate” and “be creative” in the face of sharp budget cuts and staff layoffs, educators are faced with a tremendous challenge. The call for accountability, push for educational attainment and improved outcomes is at odds with shrinking resources and conflicting policy agendas. Bill Duncombe and Kirk Knestis come together to highlight the connections and consequences between current public policy agendas, fiscal realities and the ability to deliver quality public education. Speakers Bill Duncombe, PhD Professor, Public Administration & Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research Syracuse University / Maxwell School Kirk Knestis, PhD Director, Research & Evaluation Hezel Associates Tuesday, November 1, 2011 12:00 to 1:30 pm The Syracuse University Warehouse The Warehouse, Suite 405 350 West Fayette Street Syracuse, NY 13244-3050 RSVP no later than Thursday, October 27th at 5:00 pm Please click here to register Lunch is $12 payable at the door by cash or check (made out to MAXCNY) Students are welcome to attend at half price, see transportation options below Alumni and students are welcome to bring guests to the MAXCNY lectures.

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