Moynihan European Research Centers presents: Ivar Raig
341 Eggers Hall
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Ivar Raig Professor, Tallinn University Law School Is It the End of the Euro, and Should We be Happy? Ivar Raig is one of Estonia's most prominent Eurosceptics, a critic both of the country adopting the Euro and the broader economic integration project. Professor Raig will address the current Euro crisis, and what it means both for Estonia and the European Union as a whole. Ivar Raig is a Professor at the Tallinn University Law School. Professor Raig is a leading Estonian expert on European integration and EU Enlargement. He is a former member of the Estonian Parliament and the USSR Supreme Soviet, as well as a former Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs official responsible for EU enlargement negotiations. He has authored multiple books and articles on European integration. He earned his Ph.D. in Political Economy at the Institute of Economics, Latvian Academy of Sciences. Lunch Will Be Served
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