South Asia Center Presents: the Annual Syracuse-Cornell South Asia Consortium Conference
032 Eggers Hall
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Annual Syracuse-Cornell South Asia Consortium Conference, Food, Health, and Agriculture in South Asia: Contemporary Issues and Future Directions presents the film: Still, The Children Are Here (2003) The Garos of Meghalaya in North East India are a remarkably beautiful people of Tibetan-Burmese origin. Rice farmers, they live in homes built of bamboo and thatch. Indeed, just about all of their household goods seem to have their origins in the lush bamboo forests that surround them. Their worries are both basic (having enough food to eat and a roof over their heads) and universal (the women worry about whether their men are faithful; a couple mourn the loss of their child). Dinaz Stafford‘s debut feature is an elegant meditation on a way of life that ostensibly offers simplicity and peace of mind, but apparently is fraught with the same existential questions that plague us all. Moderated by Tula Goenka, Associate Professor of Radio, TV and Film Sponsor: Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs, Co-Sponsor South Asia Center, Co-Sponsor
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