East Asia Program presents: Takako Hikotani
341 Eggers Hall
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A Tale of Two Earthquakes: How Japan's Civil-Military Relations has Changed Takako Hikotani Associate Professor of Public Policy The National Defense Academy Professor Hikotani will talk about how the difference in Japanese government's responses to the 1995 Hanshin and 2011 Higashi Nihon Earthquakes show the changes that took place in Japan's civil military relations in the past decade. Takako Hikotani is currently Associate Professor in Department of Public Policy at the National Defense Academy in Yokosuka, Japan. Professor Hikotani has written many policy papers and articles including “Japan’s Changing Civil-Military Relations: From Containment to Engagement?” and “Japan’s Extrovert Leaders: How Institutions Change Incentives and Capabilities.” Recently, she was the Abe Fellow at the Social Science Research Council for her research in “Civil-Military Relations of Multilateral Military Operations.”
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