Program on Latin America and the Caribbean, Co-sponsored by the Transnational NGO Initiative Presents: Problems and Solutions of Starting an NGO
220 Eggers Hall
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Allyson Goldsmith is the founder and Executive Director of ELEVEate, an organization which helps girls obtain an education in Senegal, and is also currently completing a dual masters in Public Administration and International Relations at the Maxwell School. Rose Marie Cromwell is a co-founder and co-director of Cambio Creativo, a grassroots organization facilitating educational workshops in Coco Solo, Panama, and is currently completing her MFA in Art Photography at Syracuse University. Roman Yavich is a co-founder of Comunidad Connect, a community development non-profit in Nicaragua, and a current graduate student at SUNY ESF. Nicolas Hernandez is co-founder and former director (4 years) of Ocasa, an NGO that works with youth promoting transparency and citizen participation in Colombia. All are welcome, but if possible please rsvp to Flavia Rey de Castro at to help us estimate our food order. Speaking: Allyson Goldsmith Rose Marie Cromwell Roman Yarvich Nicolas Hernandez Sponsor: Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs, Co-Sponsor Program on Latin America and the Caribbean, Co-Sponsor Transnational NGO Initiative, Co-Sponsor
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