The Case of Public School Teachers: A Labor Studies Symposium
204 Maxwell Hall
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Public sector workers are under unprecedented political attack. Salaries and pensions have been cut in the name of fiscal austerity. Collective bargaining and organizing rights have been rolled back in Wisconsin, Ohio and Indiana. The battle is spreading to other states. In the midst of this furor, public school teachers are facing the twin challenges of insistent demand for improved outcomes for their students and the fiscal restraints of the ongoing recessionary environment. Our distinguished panelists will present on the phenomenon of the political attacks on public sector workers and then focus on the case of teachers, highlighting the best and worst strategies being employed by school systems, politicians, teachers and the unions that represent them to address these challenges. Panelists: DOUGLAS GERHARDT, Esq., Partner with Harris Beach, PLLC,President of Management Advocates for School Labor Affairs (MASLA) REBECCA GIVAN, Asst. Professor at ILR, Cornell University PAULINE KINSELLA, Executive Director, NYS United Teachers, former Chair, NYS Public Employment Board
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