Transnational NGO Student Group presents: Subarna Mathes
341 Eggers Hall
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In the past few decades there has been a rise in transnational advocacy efforts targeting a myriad of globally interlinked issues. Concurrent with this increase has been an explosion of interest in the impact and effectiveness of transnational advocacy. Subarna Mathes will discuss the rise of transnational advocacy and its implications for evaluation frameworks, methods, and tools. Subarna Mathes is a Steward of International Advocacy and Network Evaluation at Innovations for Scaling Impact (iScale). iScale is a network that develops innovative strategies to amplify efforts addressing global challenges. Subarna is also a Senior Fellow at the Center for Evaluation Innovation, and is leading the effort to launch an International Advocacy Evaluation Community of Practice. Prior to iScale, Subarna managed a Gates Foundation-funded collaborative action-learning initiative and an evaluation of ActionAid India’s post-tsunami recovery programs. Lunch will be Provided Speaking: Subarna Mathes Steward of International Advocacy and Network of Evaluation iScale Sponsor: Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs, Co-Sponsor Transnational NGOs Student Group, Co-Sponsor
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