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Moynihan European Research Centers Present: T�rk Pasaportu

110 Tolley Hall

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French and Turkish with English Subtitles Directed by Burak Arliel (91 min) The Turkish Passport tells the story of diplomats posted to Turkish Embassies and Consulates in several European countries, who saved numerous Jews during the Second World War. Based on the testimonies of witnesses, who traveled to Istanbul to find safety, the Turkish Passport also uses written historical documents and archive footage to tell this story of rescue and bring to light the events of the time. The diplomats did not only save the lives of Turkish Jews. They also rescued foreign Jews condemned to a certain death by giving them Turkish Passports. In this dark period of history, their actions lit the candle of hope and allowed these people to travel to Turkey, where they found light. Sponsor: Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs, Co-Sponsor Moynihan European Research Centers, Co-Sponsor Turkish Student Association, Co-Sponsor Middle Eastern Studies, Co-Sponsor Turkish Language Program within the Department of LLL, Co-Sponsor

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