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Moynihan European Research Centers present: Anadolu’nun Kayip

110 Tolley Hall

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Moynihan European Research Centers Present: Anadolu’nun Kayip Sarkilari – Lost Songs of Anatolia

A musical voyage among the exotic places and people of Anatolia, the unique host of ancient civilizations, empires, as well as mythologies and the glory of 10 millennia.
As the fruit of 350 hours of footage and 8 years of hard labor and creative studies, Lost Songs of Anatolia may be the first example of its kind; an experimental musical-documentary film. The cultural riches of Anatolia are sung in authentic performances recorded live on location, spontaneously. With modern arrangements, an incomparable musical is formed.
While this journey is showing how music and culture is derived from life, geography and work, an exploration of Anatolia’s versatility also takes place on the basis of music, dance and rituals. The staggering environment surrounding these people and influencing their lifestyles contribute to the lyric flow of the film.

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