Moynihan European Research Centers Present: Has Europe Failed?
341 Eggers Hall
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Moynihan European Research Centers Present: "Has Europe Failed?" by Glyn Morgan
Has Europe Failed?
Glyn Morgan
Associate Professor Political Science, Maxwell School
In the wake of the recent financial crises in Cyprus, Greece, Ireland, and Spain, many Europeans are losing confidence in the European Union. Eurosceptic political parties are growing in strength throughout Europe. Glyn Morgan's talk poses and answers the question--Has Europe Failed?
Lunch Will Be Served
Has Europe Failed?
Glyn Morgan
Associate Professor Political Science, Maxwell School
In the wake of the recent financial crises in Cyprus, Greece, Ireland, and Spain, many Europeans are losing confidence in the European Union. Eurosceptic political parties are growing in strength throughout Europe. Glyn Morgan's talk poses and answers the question--Has Europe Failed?
Lunch Will Be Served
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