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Transnational NGO Inititative presents: Dr. Uygar �zesmi

341 Eggers Hall

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Transnational NGO Inititative Presents: New Trends in Mobilizing Citizzen Activists by Dr. Uygar Özesmi

Join Dr. Özesmi for a discussion on online tools available for citizen activism, how these tools are transforming advocacy as we understand it today, and how they permeate into decision making and social systems to transform and change how society operates. There will be a special focus on how citizen activism is transforming decision-making in local governments and the state.

Dr. Özesmi serves on the global management team of, the largest global citizen petition platform -- an exciting new form of digitally facilitated citizen activism. He is a scientist and activist in the areas of civil society and the environment. He received a MSc degree in Environmental Science at Ohio State University as a Fulbright Scholar and a PhD as a MacArthur Scholar in Conservation Biology and Development and Social Change at the University of Minnesota. He has worked as Assistant Professor and Chair of Environmental Science at Erciyes University (2000-2004); Environmental Specialist at the United Nations Development Program (2004-2006); Executive Director of the TEMA Foundation (2006-2008), and Greenpeace Mediterranean (2008-2012). Dr. Özesmi is currently on the board of CIVICUS – World Alliance for Citizen Participation.

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