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The Effect of Breakfast in the Classroom on Obesity and Academic Performance

426 Eggers Hall

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The 2013 Jerry Miner Lecture Series hosted a presentation by distinguished scholar Amy Schwartz on Friday, April 26, at noon in the Center for Policy Research in 426 Eggers Hall.  She presented a paper entitled "The Effect of Breakfast in the Classroom on Obesity and Academic Performance: Evidence from New York City."

Schwartz is a professor of public policy and professor of education and economics at New York University.  For the past seven years, she has served as the director of NYU’s Institute for Education and Social Policy.  She has authored or co-authored dozens of journal articles and book chapters, presented at numerous conferences, and received over a dozen grants.  

This annual lecture is sponsored by the Education Finance and Accountability program at Maxwell and is named in honor of emeritus professor Jerry Miner, an EFAP faculty associate who is widely known for his research in public finance in general and education finance in particular.



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