Middle Eastern Studies Program presents: Caught Between Two Worlds
060 Eggers Hall
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Middle Eastern Studies Program Film Festival Presents : Caught Between Two Worlds
“Caught Between Two Worlds is a documentary that depicts the diverse lives of Iranians in the US who make up a nation in exile. They live in Los Angeles, New York, Washington D.C. and other US cities. Many of them left Iran after the 1979 revolution, the departure of the Shah and the start of the Islamic Republic. They are artists, political activists, journalist, academics, Moslem and Jewish, young and old. The film shows the complexities of the Iranian experience in the U.S. for those who have made it their home.” (www.caughtbetweentwoworlds.com)
Produced and directed by Persheng Sadegh-Vaziri and Simin Farkhondeh.
Edited by Bahman Kiarostami
September 19, 2013
5:00 pm
060 Eggers Hall
“Caught Between Two Worlds is a documentary that depicts the diverse lives of Iranians in the US who make up a nation in exile. They live in Los Angeles, New York, Washington D.C. and other US cities. Many of them left Iran after the 1979 revolution, the departure of the Shah and the start of the Islamic Republic. They are artists, political activists, journalist, academics, Moslem and Jewish, young and old. The film shows the complexities of the Iranian experience in the U.S. for those who have made it their home.” (www.caughtbetweentwoworlds.com)
Produced and directed by Persheng Sadegh-Vaziri and Simin Farkhondeh.
Edited by Bahman Kiarostami
September 19, 2013
5:00 pm
060 Eggers Hall
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