The Weakness of Strong Ties
204 Maxwell Hall
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The “Weakness of Strong Ties”: Social Avoidance, “Regressive Remitting”, and “Non Events” in the Re-theorizing of Sociality in Migrant Networks
Stephen Lubkemann is a sociocultural anthropologist currently serving as Associate Professor of Anthropology, International Affairs, and Africana Studies at The George Washington University. He is also the Acting Director of the GWU Diaspora Research and Policy Program and a Research Associate at the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of African American History and Culture. His research includes investigations of refugee displacement; of social, political, and economic transformation in war-torn societies; of post-conflict justice and rule of law; of diasporas and their relationship to political and economic development; and of maritime archaeological heritage and development. In 2009, he co-authored Looking for Justice: Liberian Experiences with and the Perceptions of Local Justice Options.
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