PAIRA presents: Managing Wicked Problems in the 21st Century
220 Eggers Hall
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Maxwell conference, with keynote speaker Kirk Emerson on "The Changing Governance Context." In the 21st century the boundaries of our cities and nations are becoming ever more porous. In many instances, it’s not clear where a national government’s authority begins and ends and where problems become international in nature. Environmental issues cross borders with impunity. To address national security challenges requires international cooperation and managing health and education deficiencies among the poor and disadvantaged are now international endeavors. These large, international problems are increasingly being thought of as wicked problems—complex, boundary-spanning issues which require the engagement of a wide variety of stakeholders in devising multifaceted solutions. We will explore the nature of wicked problems and what solutions public administration and international relations can offer. Visit the conference website for more information about the agenda and to register.
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