Fall of the Berlin Wall Campus Weeks 2014 - Conversations in IR Presents: The Streets of Berlin...
209 Eggers Hall
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Join us for a University-wide commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.
The Streets of Berlin 9 November 1989: Chance and Contingency
Professor Marhoefer, History, will discuss the short-term cause of the fall of the Berlin Wall as it happened on 9 November 1989 and the role of chance in this historical moment. A Q&A session will follow the presentation.
Check out the website at: berlinwall25.syr.edu
Watch the calendar for additional film showings as well as lectures and a digital story contest. Join your fellow students on October 20th to erect a symbolic replica of the Berlin Wall outside Maxwell Hall and celebrate the fall of the wall on October 25th.
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