Conversations in Conflict Studies- Complexities and Challenges of Being an Ally: Social Justice Strategies for Challenging Racism, Homophobia, and Ableism
PARCC, 400 Eggers Hall
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Mara Sapon-Shevin is currently Professor of Inclusive Education at Syracuse University where she prepares teachers to be inclusive and works to support inclusion in schools. Her areas of focus include teaching for social justice and strategies for challenging racism, homophobia and ableism. She coordinates a project called Creating Safe and Peaceful Schools that works to prevent bullying in schools. Mara has worked on inclusion issues internationally, including in Australia, New Zealand, England, Spain, Malta, Finland, South Africa and Chile.
Her books include Widening the Circle: The Power of Inclusive Schools, Because We Can Change the World: Practical Strategies for Creating Cooperative, Inclusive Classrooms; and the just published (with Diana Lawrence-Brown) book Condition Critical: Key Principles for Equitable and Inclusive Education. Conversations in Conflict Studies is sponsored by PARCC - Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration. Follow us @PARCCatMaxwell, tweet #ConvoInConflict
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