MASU presents: Ana Maria Menezes
341 Eggers Hall
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Ana Maria Menezes, Internacional Fishery and Aquaculture Officer at FAO
Environmental Mainstreaming and Adaptation to Climate Change in Mozambique – Experiences of a UN Joint Program
Ana Maria Menezes holds the M.S. In Aquaculture from Auburn University, MPA from the Maxwell School and the PhD in Environmental and Natural Resources Policy from SUNY-ESF. Her research is on the governance of natural resources in Mozambique, with a focus on the political economy of artisanal fisheries. Dr. Menezes has worked in the Ministries of Fisheries and Agriculture and the Ministry of Environment in Mozambique as well as with the FAO and UNDP, USAID and the World Bank in evaluation, planning and environmental capacity building. Ana joined UNEP in 2009 as a UNEP National Officer and in 2012 she was hired by FAO as Internacional Fishery and Aquaculture Officer based in Addis Ababa to cover the Eastern Africa FAO programs
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Sponsored by the Maxwell African Scholars Union at the Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs
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