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EA presents: Lex Jing Lu

341 Eggers Hall

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Lex Jing Lu, Doctoral Candidate in History, Syracuse University

The Face as Battlefield: Print, Power, and Beauty in the Early Years of the People's Republic of China

How should a revolutionary’s face be depicted? This question puzzled and preoccupied printing houses and even the Chinese Communist Party’s censorship bureau immediately after the 1949 Revolution. By examining the archival documents of the Shanghai Press and Publication Bureau and the prototype prints designed by the People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, this presentation will investigate the Party’s construction of male revolutionary beauty in the early years of the People’s Republic.

Lex Jing Lu is a Ph.D. Candidate in the History Department at the Maxwell School. His dissertation explores the ways that changing political and cultural landscape affected male beauty standards in late imperial and modern China.

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Sponsored by the East Asia Program at the Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs

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