MERC presents: Scott de Marchi
341 Eggers Hall
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Scott de Marchi, Duke University
Government Formation as Logrolling: Modeling Cabinet Formation in European Multiparty Systems
How do European coalition governments agree on a common platform across a wide range of issues? Professor de Marchi’s talk will develop a model of European government formation as a form of logrolling between party leaders who have different views of the relative importance of the same issues. Professor de Marchi’s work focuses on mathematical models of decision-making across a variety of contexts. He has published widely in leading political science journals, including American Political Science Review, British Journal of Political Science, American Journal of Political Science, and Journal of Politics, as well as books published by Penguin and Cambridge University Press.
Discussant: Dimitar Gueorguiev, Assistant Professor of Political Science
Lunch will be provided.
Sponsored by the Moynihan European Research Centers at the Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs
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