SAC presents: Munis Faruqui
341 Eggers Hall
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Munis Faruqui, Associate Professor, Department of South & Southeast Asian Studies, University of California Berkeley
Princes of the Mughal Empire, 1504-1719
For almost 200 years, the Mughal emperors ruled supreme in northern India. Using the figure of the Mughal prince, Dr. Faruqui offers a new interpretive lens through which to comprehend Mughal state formation. His work suggests that, far from undermining the foundations of empire, court intrigues and political backbiting actually helped spread, deepen, and mobilize Mughal power through an empire-wide network of friends and allies. However, because Mughal imperial and princely success were interlinked, they atrophied together in the late 1600s and early 1700s.Open to the public
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