Conversations in Conflict Studies presents: Louis Kriesberg
400 Eggers Hall- The PARCC Conference Room
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"Obama’s Foreign Policies: Tests of Conflict Resolution Applications?" "Obama’s Foreign Policies: Tests of Conflict Resolution Applications?" Louis Kriesberg, Maxwell Professor Emeritus of Social Conflict Studies, and founding director of the Program on the Analysis and Resolution of Conflicts.
As President, Barack Obama had inclinations to pursue foreign policies in a constructive conflict manner. Furthermore, to some degree he did apply conflict resolution ideas. Indeed, his record in dealing with foreign conflicts had some successes; but he also had failures. This poses many questions, including the following. Were successes attributable to applying a constructive conflict approach? Might Obama have applied the constructive conflict approach more often? Were his attempts undermined by domestic opposition? Was the approach not applicable under the foreign circumstances? Pizza will be served. Follow us on Facebook at: PARCCatMaxwell, tweet
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