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Conversations in Conflict Studies presents: Peg Hermann

341 Eggers Hall, the Moynihan Conference Room

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Peg Hermann is a Professor of Political Science at Syracuse University and the Director of the Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs at the Maxwell School.  She and her team focus on mapping and monitoring the activities of transnational criminal organizations through the "states within states" that form the safe havens from which such groups operate. Like the black holes in astronomy, these places - which they call black spots - are difficult to locate and identify, but pulsate with energy. 

She will speak about her team's in-depth case studies of 95 black spots and insecurity flows between them. She will also discuss her team's monitoring methods for observing these criminal organizations and the ramifications for disrupting these black spots. 
Pizza will be served.  Follow us on Facebook at: PARCCatMaxwell, tweet #ConvolnConflict.

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