MES presents: Yemen in Crisis
204 Maxwell Hall
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MES presents: Yemen in Crisis
Bushra Mutahar Al-Huthi
Ms. Al-Huthi is a child rights activist and a senior project officer at the child rights sector of the Yemeni Non-Governmental Organization, SOUL for Development. Since 2013, Bushra has been working closely with the Yemeni Police Academy and the Ministry of Interior to implement activities that promote child protection within the police forces and grant Yemeni children better access to justice. She is also SOUL’s representative at UNICEF’s child protection sub cluster and Manara Network for Child Rights. Ms. Al-Huthi has a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology from University Utara Malaysia. Bushra is also an alumna of both YES (Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study) and Global Village for Future leaders of Business and Industry.
Mohammad Ali Al-Shami
Mr. Al-Shami is a Yemeni youth activist and a project coordinator for Saferworld. Since 2010, he has focused on empowering youth to play an active role in Yemen reform policies, conducting workshops in Sana’a, Hodiedah, and Aden to engage youth with the reform plan and give advice to policy makers. He also created the largest advocacy youth group that tackles public policy issues and organizes meetings between activists and policymakers from Sana’a to Berlin and Brussels. Mr. Al-Shami has conducted debates for youth on national and international television to voice their opinions on Federalism, political inclusion, the role of local councils and NGOs in pursuit of greater political transparency, and youth empowerment. Over the years, he has trained over 200 young activists from across the country, and organized more than 10 advocacy campaigns focused on political participation for youth and women.
Sponsored by the Middle Eastern Studies and Executive Educatin Programs at the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs and the Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs
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