Abundance without Attachment with Arthur Brooks
220 Eggers Hall
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Is capitalism a great blessing and a fundamental force for good? Or does it encourage greed? The truth is that both perspectives are onto something. Free enterprise has lifted billions out of poverty worldwide. But while we fight for prosperity at home and around the world, we must defend against materialism in our own hearts.
About the D’Aniello Speakers Series:
The D’Aniello Speakers Series is a university-wide lecture series that promotes dialogue on subjects with national impact. Some of the nation’s most prominent leaders and thinkers will speak on topics including entrepreneurship, free enterprise, patriotism, veterans issues and leadership.
About Arthur Brooks:
Arthur C. Brooks is the president of the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), a public policy think tank in Washington, DC. He is also a contributing opinion writer for The New York Times. Previously, he was the Louis A. Bantle Professor of Business and Government at Syracuse University.
At age 19, Brooks left college to become a professional musician and spent several seasons with the City Orchestra of Barcelona, Spain. After a decade he returned to college and studied economics, mathematics, and languages, ultimately earning BA and MA degrees in economics and MPhil and PhD degrees in public policy. Brooks then spent 10 years as a university professor teaching economics and entrepreneurship before coming to AEI.
Brooks is the author of hundreds of articles and 11 books, including the New York Times best-sellers “The Conservative Heart: How to Build a Happier, Fairer, and More Prosperous America” (2015) and “The Road to Freedom” (2012).
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