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TNGO presents: Christiane Pagé

341 Eggers Hall

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Can NGOs, International Organizations and the Private Sector Work Together? The Story of Collaborative Leadership in a Private-Public Partnership

Christiane Pagé’s talk will tell the story of the evaluation of the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves (GACC), a successful example of public-private partnerships in which the US State Department played an important part along with NGOs, international organizations and private sector partners. What are the mounting challenges and opportunities for state and non-state actors working collaboratively in an environment of increasing demand for global solutions and diminishing resources?

Christiane Pagé is Research Associate at the Moynihan Institute for Global Affairs and a Ph.D. candidate in the Social Science Program at the Maxwell School. Her research focuses on the effects of leadership styles on how leaders of international NGOs go about tackling the constraints they face. She also conducts evaluation research on global public-private partnerships.

Open to the public.

Sponsored by the Transnational NGO Initiative at the Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs and the Public Administration and International Affairs Department 

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