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Conversations in Conflict Studies presents: Iván Ormachea

400A Eggers Hall

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"Mining, Conflict and Dialogue in Peru." Iván Ormachea Choque is President of ProDiálogo Prevención y Resolución de Conflictos in Peru.

Since the beginning of the century, Peru has experienced significant political and social changes, largely a result of the end of armed conflict, the introduction of neoliberal policies, and the increase of corporate investment to extract raw materials (mainly metals). Marked increases in the price of metals enticed most major mining companies to start exploration projects. While subsequent improvements in the economy led to Peru being declared as one of the fastest growing economies of Latin America, with economic growth also came an increased number of social conflicts and destructive consequences that threatened the core of Peru's democracy. Communities and extractive companies, mostly in the highlands, were forced to coexist, facing the challenge of building a collaborative relationships based on trust. This talk deals with experiences of the Peruvian NGO ProDiálogo in promoting -- in an impartial manner -- effective consensus building processes, mostly between mining companies and local communities. Some challenges and lessons learned will be shared.
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