SAC presents: Naveeda Khan
341 Eggers Hall
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Naveeda Khan on Bovine Tales of Global Warming, Associate Professor
Naveeda Khan, Department of Anthropology,Johns Hopkins University
In her fieldsite of the chars in the River Jamuna in Bangladesh, Khan was alerted to the insistent presence of global warming within everyday life through the suffering of cows. The cows’ reactions to heat were readily evident. They stood limply with their skins sagging heavily, breathing rapidly with their tongues sticking out so as to cool themselves. Through a focus on cows as they traverse chaura households and economies, Khan explores how we can come to an understanding of the particular entanglement of a local ecology with the planetary crisis of warming and climate change.
Sponsored by South Asia Center at the Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs and co-sponsored by the Departments of Anthropology and Religion
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